Getting Started
Acupuncture and Chinese medicine is a safe, effective and drug-free therapy that can help address a wide variety of common ailments and problems.
1. Initial Consultation
This consultation can be scheduled separately from your first acupuncture treatment. That is for you to decide. At your initial consultation you’ll meet with your acupuncturist to discuss your pain condition including current symptoms, medical history, any medications you’re taking, and most importantly YOUR GOALS. We want to be certain that our program is going to meet your needs and that there is a HIGH probability of success for you – BEFORE we move forward to the next step. You will also receive an AcuGraph screening and report for you to take home.
Preparing for your First Acupuncture Session
2. Detailed Assessment & Treatment Plan
During the initial exam a full health history is taken. Questions are asked regarding health, symptoms and lifestyle. An appropriate physical exam is conducted, including pulse and tongue diagnosis. At this appointment, your clinician will do a detailed assessment of your symptom pattern, medical history, and other factors to determine the root cause of your issue and devise a specific plan of attack. Your first acupuncture session will be performed at this time, and a you will be given a treatment plan with exact, easy-to-follow instructions. Your treatment plan will include exercises and lifestyle adjustments as well as key supplements and herbal medicines to address the root cause of your pains and address your most pressing symptom location.
3. Active Treatment & Symptom Resolution
You’ll return for once-weekly visits to ensure close support as you begin to feel the positive shifts of the therapy. We want to make sure your treatment plan is yielding the expected results:
- Less or no pain
- Increased range of motion
- Return to daily activities
- Normal functional state
You’ll receive acupuncture at each visit to ensure that your progress is cumulative and your body is feeling positive results.
4. Transitional Care As Things Stabilize
Once we see stable improvements, we will begin to reduce the frequency of visits. This usually occurs after about 8-12 visits. Initially you’ll come once or twice a week, then once every other week for a couple of visits, then you will no longer need regular treatments.
We’ll be here in case you ever want to come in for a tune-up or to address other health concerns.
Of course, MANY of our patients do wish to continue with “ongoing maintenance” and we are happy to work that out with you, should that be your wish.
5. Taking Care Of Your Friends and Loved Ones
We pride ourselves on the fact that 70% of our new patients are referred to us by other patients or people in the community who have witnessed their friends and loved ones receive life-changing benefits from our work.
So, we very much look forward to helping YOUR friends, family, and loved ones on THEIR journey to a more joyful, energetic, purposeful life.